Donate To WHIN

Why Donate

WHIN is a non-profit sportsman and conservation organization. Unlike many other worthwhile organizations who work on behalf of wildlife, WHIN is a Nevada Organization and retains 100% of the money raised for projects and activities within our State.

Funds raised by WHIN are used to purchase materials for field projects, water development, and for specific purposes such as wildlife research and habitat improvement. Sometimes we are able to pool our resources with other non-profit organizations for approved wildlife projects in Nevada.

Funds are raised through membership fees, donations, our annual banquet and other events throughout the year. WHIN officers and members are all volunteers who devote countless hours providing manpower necessary to carry out work projects and plan our annual banquet along with other social activities. WHIN is an organization in which your entire family can participate and enjoy.

How To Donate

Anything helps we love to advertise for you. We believe in supporting people that support wildlife. If you have a product you would like to donate we would be happy to display

it along with any other info you provide about your product or service.

  • Services – gift certificates for restaurants, shows, hotel stays, spa days or anything that you do we would like to have gift certificates to provide to our attendees at our banquet.
  • Products- shirts, hats, soaps, Alcohol anything you make no matter how big or small they all help us to make the banquet great.
  • Used items – Old wildlife prints, guns, anything you’re looking to get rid of that wildlife enthusiast would like.
  • 50/50 if it is a large hunt, trip or service we can auction it off and do a deal where we cover some of the cost. This can make a win – win situation for both of us.

We are a 501c3 which means in addition to any advertising you get from your donation you can also write it off on your taxes.

When To Donate

Anytime you would like to donate we will make arrangements to make it happen. The most important time for donation is right around banquet time.

Wildlife and Habitat Improvement of Nevada (WHIN) is having our annual fund-raising banquet this 11th of March 2023, at the New Orleans Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. We invite you and your business to participate in this fun-filled event. Any donations of services, cash, merchandise, corporate sponsorship, and banquet attendance are valuable in achieving our goals of conserving and maintaining ALL of Nevada’s wildlife.

Incentive to Donate

Donations for the annual WHIN fund raising banquet receive the following:

  • 2-tickets to the banquet for cash donations of $300.00 or more
  • 2-tickets to the banquet for merchandise donations with retail value of over $500.00
  • Any and all banquet donations will receive recognition at fund raising event
  • Advertising opportunities are available to promote your business or organization. Contact a WHIN representative for more information

Ask a WHIN Representative for more details on how you can participate or email us through the “Contact Us” link.

SubtotalTotal Installment PaymentsInitial Payment TotalTotal Due TodaySubtotalTrialAmount Due Donate