2025 Banquet

New banquet location will be at South Point Hotel and Casino

Wildlife and Habitat Improvement of Nevada (WHIN) is having our annual fund-raising banquet this 29th of March 2025, at the South Point Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. We invite you and your business to participate in this fun-filled event. 2023 was a great banquet as we had 420 people in the room that night! Our 2025 new banquet location at the South Point Casino can hold up to 1,000 people. We are expecting WHIN to continue to grow, resulting in a bigger and an even more amazing banquet experience year after year.

Any donations of services, cash, merchandise, corporate sponsorship, and banquet attendance are valuable in achieving our goals of conserving and maintaining ALL of Nevada’s wildlife.

WHIN is a non-profit sportsman and conservation organization. Unlike many other worthwhile organizations who work on behalf of wildlife, WHIN is a Nevada Organization and retains 100% of the money raised for projects and activities within our State. Funds are raised through membership fees, donations, our annual banquet and other events throughout the year. WHIN officers and members are all volunteers who devote countless hours providing manpower necessary to carry out work projects and plan our annual banquet along with other social activities. WHIN is an organization in which your entire family can participate and enjoy.


Funds raised by WHIN are used to purchase materials for field projects, water development, and for specific purposes such as wildlife research and habitat improvement. In addition, these funds are used to make donations or pool resources with other non-profit organizations for approved wildlife management projects in Nevada.

All donations or sponsorships of $300 or more of cash or $500 or more in products or services will include your business in the corporate sponsor raffle. Your business information will be included in our banquet program. All other donations are greatly appreciated and will have your business name attached to any items being auctioned or raffled.

Your sponsorships and donations are tax deductible as WHIN is a Nevada non-profit organization. More information will be released soon about how to get tickets and table packages for this event.

Thank you.

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