2015 WHIN Projects
In November it was again time to do our fall adopt a highway clean up. As usual we met at the Loves Truck Stop at
In November it was again time to do our fall adopt a highway clean up. As usual we met at the Loves Truck Stop at
On February 15th WHIN working with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service went to Wamp Spring located on the Desert National Wildlife Refuge to remove a
On August 3rd WHIN had a winter feed planting project at the Overton WMA There was a good turn out of about 15 people to
On December 2nd WHIN did our first clean up of our adopt a highway in Lincoln County. We had a good turn out for this
WHIN in partnership with U S Fish and Wildlife Service Planted over 100 plants and trees at the Desert National Wildlife Refuge ( Corn Creek
Yearly maintenance on McFarland spring, water flow was excellent but had to repair a few leaks and two floats on the tanks. A special thanks
Donation of $1,000 for printing of Nevada Hunt Journal in partnership with NDOW.Donation of $2,400 for purchase of tracking collars to be used in mountains
Donation of $425 for youth conservation coloring book in partnership with Fraternity of The Desert Bighorn.Donation of $4,500 for tracking collars to be used on
Donation of $2,500 to NDU-Nevada Wildfire Disaster Fund.Donation of $4,090 for helicopter services to assist in flying water to Southern Nevada water guzzlers during severe
Annual maintenance and repairs to McFarland Springs wildlife watering system. The terminal stock tank was replaced with a fiberglass tank to provide greater longevity. While
Contributed $4,500 to Idaho State University for Nevada Sage Grouse migration and habitat research project.Contributed $15,000 to Ducks Unlimited for remediation and repair of the
Youth Fishing Clinic and Derby by Shakespeare. WHIN donated $250 to educate youth.Grassy Springs Fence Enhancement. WHIN furnished parts and labor.McFarland Springs Watering System Maintenance
Youth Trap Program: WHIN donated funds to assist the Nevada State Youth Trap Program with supplies and round fees for their monthly gatherings at the
McFarland Spring water delivery system: Yearly maintenance was completed in late April which included cleaning out the main spring box, replacing drinker tank #2, replacing
Steptoe Valley WMA – Assisting contribution to a grant to implement a North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) project in cooperation with the Rocky Mountain
Reseeding 12,000 acres, due to wildfires, of critical wildlife habitat with native shrubs. WHIN donated $7,500.Financial support to NDOW to host the year 2000 annual
The water rights to Pine Springs that WHIN filed for on behalf of the Nevada Division of Wildlife (NDOW) for the beneficial use of wildlife
Wetland vegetation management on Ruby Lake NWR to create open areas and more productive duck nesting and feeding areas. – Elko County. WHIN donated $10,000.Boundary
Constructed enclosure around Fence Spring to protect from horse damage to benefit elk, mule deer and other wildlife. – Spring Mountains, Clark County.Assisted in constructing
Fish Barrier to control undesirable fish – Upper Pahranagat Lake, Lincoln County.WHIN donated in excess of $10,000.00.1,000 –acre Pinion-Juniper tree chaining to enhance shrub grass