2001 WHIN Projects

Steptoe Valley WMA – Assisting contribution to a grant to implement a North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) project in cooperation with the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (RMEF), NDOW, DU and numerous other parties for the restoration and enhancement of 2000 acres of seasonal wetlands, wet meadows and riparian habitat. WHIN donated $5,000.00 plus volunteer labor to this project.
McFarland Spring-Renovation of water delivery system.Inclusive of a new 150 gal. Retention tank / drinker for the benefit of the Spring Mountain Elk Herd.
WHIN supported funding for the development and construction of three Water Fowling Stations located on two Southern Nevada Wildlife Management Areas. The Stations are in conformity with the American Disability Act (ADA). Special thanks to Ford Contracting and the Local Carpenters’ Union. WHIN funded $1,000.00 of this project.
Pahranagat NWR Headquarters Field Restoration Enhancement Phase II: WHIN contributed to and assisted in securing additional funding for the habitat improvement of the approximately 300 acres at the Headquarters fields, which includes a riparian corridor and an adjoining 600 acres of Wetlands Meadows. In cooperation with U. S. FWS, DU, Nevada Division of Wildlife Heritage Trust, Red Rock Audubon Society and a Private Foundation. WHIN donated $26,000.00 to this project.