1992 WHIN Projects

Constructed enclosure around Mud Springs/Meadow complex to protect from horse damage to benefit elk, mule deer and other wildlife – Spring Mountains, Clark County.
Constructed horse enclosure around McFarland Spring and associated pipeline with 7 wildlife drinkers for elk; involves annual maintenance – Spring Mountains, Clark County.
Assisted Division of Wildlife in radio-marking elk to determine habitat use – Wilson Creek Range, Lincoln County.
Assisted in the construction of the handicapped duck hunter access ramp and platform along with ½ mile of fencing for more effective livestock grazing – Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), Lincoln county. WHIN provided all the materials for this project.
Gamble Quail trapping of approximately 300 birds and transplanting them into the Las Vegas Valley and other Southern Nevada guzzlers.
Tree planting – Pahranagat NWR And Overton Wildlife Management Area (WMA).